Mother, at least give me some bread.
- l knew you had some.
- Stop pestering.
- Do you want a bite?
- No, thanks.
- You sound like a...
- Spaniard, from Madrid. Mr...
Nemesio Alvarez y Villalbazo,
at your service.
- Miguel Suarez, at your service.
- Pleasure.
- What do you do?
- l sell hens.
- Where are they?
- Here.
Right here?
lt's cheaper than cages.
Those are some nice looking hens.
Are they expensive?
Well, they yield a lot.
There's no better business
than a hen farm.
lf you're interested.
As long as l'm not done
justice and recover my land...
...l can't think of it.
Oh, man.
They may think l'm lazy.
lf l don't get some sleep,
we'll be dead.
Don't worry,
l'll sleep on the luggage.