Now, ladies and gentlemen.
We have a sight.
This beautiful Mexican ranch,
as you see.
Won't you speak to us in Spanish?
Alright Mr. Canvas,
Look, gentlemen.
There you can see...
...a typical little Mexican ranch.
Poor, but clean.
And very joyful.
We got here just in time.
You can use your half-hour rest...
...to witness a typical fiesta.
A typical fiesta.
Magnificent, magnificent.
Don't get into trouble,
no English spoken.
Ok, let's go. Come
on, everybody.
Come on.
Beloved woman of San Marcos,
lovely woman of San Marcos
What's up, Raquel?
Aren't you happy with Jeronimito?
l'll bet my name on it.
All right, people.
Tough luck.
- Make yourselves at home.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Make yourselves at home.
Mr. Johns, come on.
l'm not from San Marcos
l'm from San Jeronimito
l'm not from San Marcos
l'm from San Jeronimito