It looks the way all the Irish cottages
should...and so seldom do.
And only an American
would have thought of emerald green.
- Red is more durable.
- And the roses! How nice.
You´ll need lots of horse manure.
Fertiliser, I mean. Horse is the best.
Oh, I brought you a plant.
You know, ´´a primrose by a river´s brink´´.
´´Brim´´, not ´´brink´´.
The next line ends in ´´hymn´´.
Poets are so silly, aren´t they?
Oh, I hope you´re not one, Mr Thornton.
- Oh no, ma´am, I...
- Thornton.
There´s a familiar ring to it.
Ring to it... Thornton...
It´s a common name.
Thank you for the plant, Mrs Playfair,
this is damn...darn...awfully nice of you.
It´s a bed. Excuse me.
- Morning.
- That´s a fine big bed, Mr Thornton.
Biggest one I could find.