The Quiet Man

I will then, and I hope there´s a bottle there,
whoever it belongs to.

It could be.
You have a fine, steady hand.
To good bargaining.
To resume:
- The party of the first part...
- That´s him.

...has instructed me to enquire
before enterin´ into formal negotiations...

- ...whether the party to the second part...
- That´s me.

...thinks kindly of the general idea,
or in his own words...American, eh...

-, yes, he wants to know if you go for it.
- Go for it?

- And if you do, he´ll speak to your brother.
- That won´t be easy.

Oh, as well I know it.
He´d as soon put his fist into my teeth
as bid me the time of the day.

What did Sean...the party of the first part,
say about my fortune?

He says he doesn´t give it...
He says it´s a matter of
complete indifference to him.

- He did?
- He says he doesn´t give a sh...
