This is Lieutenant Aldrich,
Lieutenant Moore, Lieutenant Schmidt.
Aldrich, you are senior here,
aren't you?
Yes, sir. Two days
ahead of the others, sir.
You'll be in command.
Ask Quirt for any advice you need.
I'll be back Wednesday week.
Now, men, Sergeant Quirt...
is one of the best darn soldiers that
ever tore up a memorandum receipt.
I have soldiered with him
all over the world.
And there isn't a finer, cleaner,
smarter marine afloat than Quirt...
when he's sober.
And while he's sober, he'll run this outfit
whether I'm here or absent.
But, uh, Quirt... loves the bottle.
And when he's drunk,
he is the lousiest...
filthiest tramp that
ever wore a uniform.
He's even worse than I am. And I don't
allow anybody to get as bad as that.
If he tanks up, I'll bust him.
I busted him before
and I'll bust him again.
Get that, Aldrich.
The first time you find him down in
the square with his face in the dirt...
lock him up, and keep him
locked up till I get back.
But if he behaves himself, give him his head
and let him have anything he wants.
He's forgotten more about being a soldier
than any of you college boys will ever know.
Now, if you're wise...
you will not play cards with him.
You said it.
And before you lend him any money...
kiss it one last long farewell.
He'll steal your cognac...
he'll steal your socks,
your women...
and your front teeth
if they've got any gold in them.
That's all. Kiper.
- Motorcycle alongside, sir.
- Give her a spin and we'll shove off.
Right face!
Forward march!
Just kidding, sir.
Will do!