What chance would you have
before an army court-martial...
when 10 majors start
an iron ball rolling?
Ten majors back in Paris are gonna see to
it that nobody has any fun but themselves.
You haven't got a chance, Quirt,
and you know it!
Aldrich, escort Sergeant Quirt
down to the tavern.
And tell Charmaine I'm giving away in
marriage the handsomest sergeant in the war.
And, Quirt! You arrived just in time
with the replacements.
You've saved the day. The marines have
landed and the situation is well in hand.
We're going to decorate you.
We're gonna let you hold the bag!
Kiper! Get down to the manure pile
and pick up the mayor.
- Dust him off and bring him back here.
- Aye, sir.
I wanna witness
this ceremony myself.
Good morning, boys.
I'm in the clear because she'll explain
she don't want this.
No good, Quirt. In France,
the papa runs the family.
All right, wise guys, line up!
One at a time! You first!
No, you don't, Colonel! Let's go.