What Price Glory

If your men bring me back
one German officer in good condition...

I'll send the whole company
back for a month's rest.

I'll do better than that.
I'll give you eight days
in any hotel in Paris.

You're an awful bum, Flagg.
Otherwise, I'd put you on staff.

And carry a map?
No, thank you.

You know 'em. You know.
Cold steel. Let him have it.

What is this? A wedding party?
Flagg, you're not
getting married, are you?

Not this time, sir.
Sergeant Quirt.

Quirt, you're the last man
in the world I'd expect to get married.

- Me too, sir.
- Flagg, what is this?

Some sort of case error?
Charges of some sort?

Oh, no.
Not at all, sir.

Sergeant Quirt here expressed a desire
to marry the innkeeper's daughter.

And I saw no reason
to stand in the way.

General, I'd like to have you
meet the bride.

The future Mrs. Quirt.
Charmaine, General Cokely.
I hope you'll be
very happy, mademoiselle.

Are you really a general?
Well, yes. Uh, uh, don't waste time.
Get on with it.

Start the ceremony.
Do you, Charmaine...
take this man
for your husband?

Quirt, I'm sorry that I won't be able to
wait and kiss the bride.

- You have about 20 minutes, Flagg.
- Aye, aye, sir.

You won't have much time
for a honeymoon, Quirt.

But if you bring me back one German officer
in good condition...

I'll see you get
a whole month's leave.

Remember, Flagg.
Twenty minutes!

Allez, allez.
Come over here.
