Sorry, Charmaine. I can't
marry you tonight. I got work to do.
And if I never see you again...
well, I guess I never see you again.
So long, kid.
All right, you ugly sons of ugly fathers!
Pass the word for inspection in five minutes!
And things better be shipshape.
And don't let Quirt
do all the work!
- All right, Kiper, Moran!
- Aye, aye!
Kiper, pick up my battle gear.
- Lipinsky, take this map there too.
- Yes, sir.
Yeah, sure, they're married,
they're married.
Look. We're fighting a war
with Germany.
I don't give a hoot whether they're married
or not. Now, go on. Beat it. Get out of here.
Why don't you...
- Please...
- What does he want?
- Somebody swiped his hat.
- Get out of here, you...
Now, look, uh, Moran.
We're going to Aurignac.
When those extra rations
come through, bring 'em on up.
And try to get those kids a couple of
hot meals while we're up there.
Aye, aye, sir.
I'm sorry, Charmaine...
but I need that sergeant.
You should have taken me
to Paris with you, Captain.
Yeah, maybe I should have.
But I brought something
back for you...
like I promised.
It's a costume. Bought off a gal
in the Folies Bergeres.
The only costume in the show.
I thought I'd get to see you in it...
but I guess I won't now.
Well, kiss me good-bye.