Captain Holmes says you don't want
to come out and fight for us.
That's right.
We thought we'd buy you a beer
and talk it over.
We're the company boxers.
I figured.
What I wouldn't give to have this guy
in a corner poolroom in my hometown!
If you box as good as you used to,
we'd be a cinch this year.
You ain't forget, division champs
get ten-day furloughs, did you, son?
I'm Ike Galovitch.
Platoon guide of your platoon.
And don't think
you're a tough guy, Prewitt.
You no talk now, but out in the field
with us you sing different song.
He don't have to fight if he don't want
without being kicked around.
We're playing pool. Take off.
-You want busted head, Maggio?
Then keep your big nose out altogether.
Training starts next week.
Pick up your stuff--
Look, I told Holmes and I'm telling you...
...I ain't fighting. I quit fighting!
You guys want to put the screws on,
go right ahead.
I can take anything you can dish out.
Okay, Prewitt.
I just hate to see a good guy
get it in the gut.
You'd better get used to it, kid.
You'll probably see a lot of it
before you die.