From Here to Eternity

Why don't you tell me about it?
Tell me the story.
There's always a story.
You don't leave a person anything, do you?
Come back here, Sergeant.
I'll tell you the story.

You can take it back
to the barracks with you.

I'd only been married to Dana two years
when I found out he was cheating.

But by that time, I was pregnant.
I thought I had something to hope for.
I was almost happy
the night the pains began.

I remember
Dana was going to an officers' conference.

I told him to get home early,
to bring the doctor.

He might have, if his conference
hadn't been with a hatcheck girl.

He was drunk when he came in at 5:00 a.m.
I was lying on the floor.
I begged him to go for the doctor,
but he fell on the couch and passed out.

The baby was born about an hour later.
Of course it was dead.
It was a boy.
But they worked over me at the hospital,
fixed me up fine.

They even took my appendix out,
threw that in free.

And one more thing: No more children.
Sure, I went out with men after that.
And if I'd ever found one that--

Karen, listen to me, listen.
I know.
Until I met you,
I didn't think it was possible either.
