-Did you say $50?
A tidy sum just to sit at a table.
Supply and demand. Many requests
for a seat at Miss Shaw's table.
And the price goes up and up and up.
That's inevitable. Je regrette.
Je regrette it more than vous.
However, the name's Malone.
Get it down while
l can still afford it.
-Bonjour, mademoiselle.
-Are you the headwaiter?
-At your service.
-l'm Miss Lee.
Oh, Miss Lee. Well, now l understand.
What can l do for you?
Put a certain gentleman at my table.
There's nothing l can do for you.
All seating arrangements
are completed, final.
ln Atlantic City, all the men
at my hotel wanted to sit at my table.
-l can understand that.
-Some even gave the headwaiter money.
That happens. What can one do?
One takes it.
-That headwaiter had to give it back.
-lndeed? Why?
l had all my meals in my room.
l didn't come to the table at all.
Naturally the men wanted their money.
-l beg you--
-Do you want me to eat in my room?
That must not be.
lf Mr. Henry Spofford lll
is seated at my table....
-lt shall be.
-Thank you ever so.
-Hi, Miss Shaw. Nice to see you.
My name is Watson.
Here we are, all ready for you.