That part of it is not true.
l don't believe anything you say.
Go away, Sherlock, you're a wrong guy.
-l'm not wrong about you.
-You're only making it worse.
Don't listen, but l'm telling you--
Come on in,
you can hear better in here.
Am l intruding, or is he leaving?
l'm leaving. But, Miss Lee,
before l go, l'll tell you this.
Sometimes even a mercenary nitwit
like you has a decent impulse.
Don't get your friend mixed up
in your schemes.
Because l'll rub your nose in them,
and l don't want her to get hurt.
lf you've nothing more to say,
pray, scat!
That's about all.
Honey, except for telling you
l have money, which l haven't...
...everything else l said, l meant.
And it wasn't part of my job either.
Think about it.
Why did you just stand there
and let him kiss you?
lt's crazy, but l think
l'm falling in love with that slob.
You just feel that way
because he's poor.
l hope so. Come on, let's change.
We dock in an hour.
We want to buy some clothes.
You know, hats, dresses.