They just got different faces
so you can tell them apart.
To a man without taste,
I suppose all things are alike.
She's as different from other women
as cognac is from corn liquor.
You get the same kind of headache
from either one.
She can smile without making it a simper.
That's a rare quality in a woman, Jess.
She's also getting married
at the next stop. Remember?
Yes, to a grubby dirt farmer.
What'll she look like a year from now?
What difference does it make to you?
It's hello and goodbye.
A sad thought. Don't you think so?
Stay away from her.
- What did you say?
- Stay away from her.
My private affairs are private.
Don't ever forget it again.
- Who is it?
- It's me, Mrs. Rodgers.
Ben, I thought...
I rode all night and all day.
It was easier than waiting.
Mrs. Rodgers, you'd better find me a room...
if you're planning on running
a decent hotel.
- You know...
- I guess...
Riding across the desert,
I kept thinking what I'd say to you.
Now I can't remember.
Have I changed?
Prettier than ever.
I tried so hard to remember
exactly what you looked like.
The smell of your hair, your pretty eyes.
Ben, I've never been so happy.
I just can't believe that we're really together.
I've waited so long, Ben.
When the war ended,
I thought the waiting was over.