- How did you make out?
- Like I told you. Nobody's interested.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I remember telling Slayton
that first night at Rodger's Station.
What happens on the other side of the river
is no problem of yours?
Yeah. So I guess I can't complain, can I?
Do you know anybody
who feels any different?
I learned one thing, Jess.
A man's got to do his own growing,
no matter how tall his father was.
Slayton's headed toward Rock Springs.
It's not much of a town, but you can
try there. Maybe we'll have better luck.
Get mounted, Westy. You and Vincente
are going into Rock Springs for supplies.
- You mean right now?
- Right now.
Get some liquor, too. We're out.
And keep out of trouble.
We could do with a little coffee, Doc.
You ought to smile a little more,
Miss Ballard.
- When are you going to let me go?
- When we're out of Arizona.
When will that be?
Arizonans are like Texans.
They say they're never out of Arizona.
If it wasn't for her,
we'd all be at Barratto's by now.
Have us a woman. And decent food.