Eh well
I thought
- How much do you want?
- Too much, I'm sure.
You insult me.
Because you are tramps,
like us,
and because you put up with
my insults.
Your caravans are not worth
our dingy hotels.
Your art is not Art.
The most worthless one here
can scorn the best among you.
You risk only your lives.
We risk our pride.
I find your getup ridiculous,
and Madam would undoubtedly be better
without hers.
You wouldn't dare to laugh
at our false elegance,
our make-up, our practiced accents.
Why not insult you?
I don't understand you.
And you do it very well.
And the costumes?
You will have them.
at what price?
Invite us this evening!
- What an honour!
- Indeed.
M. Blom will show you the attic.
Let's replay the scene!
Have courage, my child!
An innocent heart