In summer as in winter, all is calm.
It is a quiet street.
The years go by, and nothing moves.
It's matures.
No, it's a void.
I am but a fool
in this world of illusions.
The perfidy of a woman, her weakness,
her indifference too,
change my existence
from day to day, hour to hour.
Am I the Count
Badrincourt de Chamball?
Or am I the most miserable
of men?
Leave, o dagger, from your sheath.
Seek the place
where your thirst will be quenched!
You are my mistress
whom I clasp to my heart.
The night will witness our union
in this garden
where in the past, my cruel goddess
granted ime her favours.
Good-bye, o world!
Good-bye, my sovereign!