- Where's your mother?
- Picking watercress.
- Any luck?
- Not a bite this morning.
See where the sun is?
- Up there.
- Yeah, on the back of your neck.
You're casting a shadow.
If you can see it, the fish can see it.
Always fish with the sun in your face.
The other bank's the place.
- That is, if you want my opinion.
- Gosh, Emberato, I want your opinion.
But Mama won't let me go over there.
- Why not?
- I can't swim.
- You can't what?
- I can't swim.
- How old are you?
- Six.
- Help him, he can't swim.
- Time he learned. Everybody should swim.
Just reach out in front of you
and grab a handful of water.
Pull it back towards you.
Not too fast. That's the way I learned.
- I did it, Emberato, I did it.
- Good.
- How will he get back?
- Swim.
Well, he might drown.
- Well, then, you go get him.
- I can't swim, either.