Is Mr. Benton here yet?The agent for the apartment.
- Yes, he's in there waiting for you.- Thank you.
- Good morning.- I hope I haven't kept you waiting?
Not at all. But I'm afraidyou won't meet Mr. Denmark, the owner.
- He flew to Europe.- I'm disappointed. Wasn't that sudden?
Very. But you know how tax peopleare when you skip a whole year.
The result is thata longer lease is now possible.
- Open, if you don't mind.- Hm? Oh.
How long a lease? Not that it mattersif he insists on 1000 a month.
That's why I wanted to see him.
He won't need the place for years.Mr. Whiskers really blew his top.
- He can't come back to this country?- It would be the very height of folly.