[ Zapping ]
See you.
You know Frank's wife,
Mrs. Daylon ?.
Of course.
How do you do ?.
And Miss, Miss Dean,
a friend of George's.
Mrs. Daylon, tell John
here what you told me.
Well, the minute he came home, I
knew there was something wrong--
[ Sobbing ]
Seems Frank took off
under peculiar circumstances.
He came home and told her
he was assigned to some sort of
special job overnight and left.
Something's wrong, I know it !
He was so pale.
He had the queerest
look in his eyes,
and he nevertouched his food.
Same for George. His landlady
told me he skipped dinner.
And that ain't like George,
not with his appetite.
Mr. Putnam, the sheriff
says that you saw both
of them this afternoon.
Did they say anything
about going anywhere tonight ?.
No, Mrs. Daylon.
Not a thing.
Well, maybe they
had an emergency
call to make.
Telephone people say no.
And that truck we couldn't
find this afternoon.
The phone company called up
and reported it missing.
Were they drunk or anything,
I mean, did you get it
on their breath ?.
Frank never drinks.
He's sick, I tell you.
Ifyou ask me, they
ain't ever coming back.
Otherwise, what would
they want to take
their clothes for ?.
Their clothes ?.
Well, it seems natural to take
a change of clothes. They said
they'd be gone overnight.
I know George.
Always on the move !
Always wantin' to go somewhere !
You best go home and get some
sleep, the both ofyou. I'll
check around and call you later.
Ellen,Johnny and I have some
things to talk over. Would you
mind taking the ladies home ?.
Oh, of course, and I'll stay
with Mrs. Daylon for awhile too.
We're taking your car,Johnny.
I'll see you later, Ellen.
Now are you ready
to believe me ?.
I'm trying to or I wouldn't
have sent foryou.
You've got to believe
that there's a ship buried
out there in the desert,