It Came from Outer Space

and that at least some of our
visitors from outer space...

got out of that ship
before it was covered over !

Go on.
Two of those visitors
I saw today.

So did you.
It's true, Matt !

Oh, it's no use, Johnny.
I try to stay with you,
but I can't.

You've got to ! I know
what you're thinking, Matt.

But you've got to believe that
what you saw today was only what
looked like Frank and George !

They didn't by any chance
tell you what they wanted ?.

They want us to trust them, to
believe that Frank and George...

are in no danger as long as
we don't interfere with them,
to give them time, time !

Did it ever occur to you
that you might be gambling
with their lives ?.

Yeah, what do you think
you were doing when you
refused to believe me ?.

Frank and George !
That's crazy !

I tell you, I came
face to face with them !

But how could they take over
anyone else's form, and where
is the real Frank and George ?.

- I don't know.
- And why would they want
to do that ?. Why ?.

Maybe to move about freely,
to come into town
without being stopped.

So they steal a telephone
truck, something that'll
stick out like a torch !

Now does that make sense ?.
It might.

Suppose they wanted
electrical equipment. That
truck was loaded with it.

As a matter of fact,
things have been happening
around here this evening.

The hardware store
was broken into.

They're missing
a coil of copper wire
and some metal parts.

Nothing else taken
but electrical equipment.
There you are !

[ Telephone Ringing]
Yeah ?. Yeah,
this is Sheriff Warren.

No, the last I saw
of Dr. Snell and his assistant
they were out at the crater.

Well, you let me know ifyou
hear anything. IfI hear
anything, I'll give you a ring.

What about Dr. Snell ?.
Would they have
any use for him ?.

They mi ght. He's
an astronomer. Why ?.

That was his secretary calling.
Haven't seen him
or his assistant.

Last I saw of them, they were
out on the desert workin' alone.
