Not much distraction here.
If only it wasn't so hot!
What are we hanging
around here for?
Coming tonight?
Maybe... You got them?
The wood's rotten.
In the flour bag.
Kiss me.
Watch out for my suit!
Linda, come here!
Will it hold?
At the flour again, eh?
Go ahead!
Don't I feed you?
I didn't eat your flour.
Caught in the act.
I'll show you.
Forget it.
Mind your business!
He's itching for trouble.
Who's asking you?
You're just a pack
of tramps.
Only fit for loafing...
and scaring away all
the customers.
Scram or I'll call
the cops.
They may be interested
Thanks, Luigi.
But you need
a good eye and...
My boy, we sure
can say...