
- Oh, no.
- Oh, yes.

Didn't he say anything about me,
that I was coming or anything?

No, he didn't.
Just between you and me,
I think he's turned out to be a big heel.

He didn't even leave you a return ticket.
Look, Mr. Whoever-You-Are,
let me jump to my own conclusions.

Of all the rotten, subversive tricks.
Flying all the way, thousands of miles,
to this lousy place...

...arriving here hot and tired
as a Sixth Avenue mink....

That water's even hotter, and that soap
gives out as much lather as blue cheese.

I'm the man that owns this building,
the shower, and the soap.

- I wouldn't be proud of it.
- This is my home, be it ever so humble.

I had to have some place to go.
I couldn't get a word out of laughing boy
over there...

...with the sleigh bells in his ears.
Of all the dirty-
Bawling out the Maharajah long-distance
isn't going to do any good.

If you'll pardon my subtlety...
I'm not so sure I'd want you on safari
in the first place.

I run a business here.
I'm working these men.

They have to keep their mind on work-
Look, buster,
don't you get overstimulated with me.

I'm the little gal that flew all the way
from New York...

:08:08 this lousy place, this Dark Continent.
Only I expected to find
a man with a flashlight.

I suggest you use up some of that energy
in getting your clothes on.

- I'll assign you to a room at the other end.
- Wait a minute.

Can't you get me a canoe, or a truck,
or roller skates to get out of here?

Trucks couldn't get through this country,
even if I could spare one.

You're stuck with us
until next week's boat.

- You mean there's no way to get out?
- No.

Now, weren't you going to do something
about getting dressed?

This will be the gayest week
of the season.

Plenty deep, all right.
I thought I told you to replace
that barbed wire.

We went after a black leopard,
remember, laddie?

I'm sorry, Brownie.
