And then step on your
Uncle Victor's corns every day.
Oh, oh, the boat. Yeah.
- I'll see your baggage aboard, my dear.
- Thank you. You've been very sweet.
- You're a nice girl.
- I get it, Brownie.
He's running a business
and I'm a bottleneck.
Sometimes a man can't see the one tree
because of the forest.
Someday he's gonna bump
into the wrong kind of tree...
...and get his nose busted.
Take care of yourself, Brownie.
And him too.
Here we are.
I wish you could stick around for a while,
but I'll be too busy-
Don't spell it out for me.
You know, my little white hunter,
it's high time I was on my way anyhow.
It's been....
- It's been nice having you here....
- Yes.
It's certainly been something
I didn't expect.
When the rainy season starts,
I might fly up to Paris.
If you happen to be there,
we might run into each other again.
Take it easy. Drop me a line.
- Hello, Vic. Hello, Brownie.
- Hello, John.
I have the happiness
to present Mr. Nordley.
- Mr. Marswell?
- Yes.