Keep him well covered up
and get all the water down him you can.
- Will you do that? Will you do what I said?
- Yes.
And give him one of those pills
every four hours.
Good night.
Mr. Marswell.
Oh, no, please sit still.
It's time for his pill
but he's sleeping so well...
...I didn't want to wake him.
I'll have a look.
Boltchak, play cards.
- Much better. Let him sleep.
- All right.
Good night.
I'd like to apologize about this morning.
I'm terribly ashamed.
I had it coming.
- You pack a good wallop.
- Please.
It was very shabby behavior.
- I hope you'll be comfortable on that.
- Yes, thank you.
It was most thoughtful of you.
What on earth are those horrible sounds?
An animal of some kind?
Yes. They're hippos fighting.