Well, that's that.
Come on, let's go back to camp.
- I'm-
- Let's go.
I've certainly won myself the reputation
for being an utter fool.
I'm not so much worried
about your reputation as your health.
If anything should happen to you,
my reputation would suffer.
Doesn't a woman's reputation
mean anything to you?
Only if I'm personally interested.
Not very gracious, but understandable.
Donald will think I'm dreaming
when I tell him all this.
- Thank heavens you're a witness.
- Do you need one?
Donald's a husband who's believed
everything I've told him...
...since I was five years old.
Five years old? You were married
rather young, weren't you?
Actually, we were married when I was 20.
How long ago was that?
- Sorry.
- No, it's all right.
I'm 27. Satisfied?
You want me to forget it?
Not necessarily.
Have you ever been married?
I've never had the fortune
to find a lady who was interested.
That could be the remark
of a cynical man.
What have I to be cynical about?
I make my contribution to this
mixed-up world. What else is there?
That could be the remark
of a lonely man.
Could be.
Looks like we're in for a little storm.
Let's go back to camp. Come on.