You all.
- No tears?
- We'll give you a going-away party.
- Thank you.
- Where then?
Then we'll proceed on foot
to the Mountains of the Moon.
That's the beginning of gorilla country.
Look, what are those?
What simply exquisite creatures.
- You'd think they had wings.
- It's the Aepyceros Melampus Suara.
They can clear a 12-foot obstacle
with a leap as long as 35, 40 feet.
You mustn't take the megaphone
away from the driver.
We'll pass Grant's Tomb
any moment now.
- He'll tell you who's buried there.
- I beg your pardon?
There's a handsome animal for you.
Thompson gazelle.
Who's the Mr. Thompson famous enough
to have a gazelle named after him?
He's a third baseman.
Hit a home run for the Giants once.
Won the pennant.
Miss Kelly, we'll give you
two going-away parties.
Well, I've got one for you.
See those zebras over there?
- Yes. The Equus Burchelli Granti.
- To me, they're zebras.
Are they born white with black stripes
or black with white stripes?
Actually, they're born black with....
I'm going on, aren't I?
Mrs. Nordley, this is quite a nice,
bright husband you have.
Information I'm already well aware of.
But I assure you that outside
of his niceness and his brightness...
...there are many other reasons
why I'm in love with him.
Thank you, old girl.
I'd say he was a very lucky man.