and nothing in the world, including God
himself, can keep it from going over the edge.
It just goes.
Don't worry. I'm one of those logs
that just hang around in the calm.
Hey, Polly, come on.
You're missing the big show.
- Got myself a ringside table.
- Oh.
Look at those.
Couple of colors I never heard of before.
- This is my husband, Mr. Loomis.
- Hello.
- You got yourself quite a girl.
- Well, she'll do for a while.
We better be going.
- What's that?
- Oh, it's a 1907 Maxwell.
You make different models from little kits.
Look kind of nice on a mantel...
if you have a mantel.
- It's cute.
- Be all right if I don't foul it up.
I generally foul things up.
- Don't be silly.
- I have lately, anyway.
Everything I touch, ever since Duluth.
I met her in a big beer hall.
She was the most popular waitress they had.
I guess it was the way
she put the beer on the tables.
Until then I ran a good sheep ranch. Then
all of a sudden the sheep went dumb, or I did.
That winter the sheep kept dying.
- Everybody gets a run of bad luck.
- That won't cover it.
I rented it to another rancher. He had
worse winters and made out all right.
She was bored with the ranch. We spent
half our time in town in bars and nightclubs.
After that I fouled up a couple more jobs.
Then Korea. I went just to show her
I was young enough.
They sent me home with battle fatigue!
So don't tell me
I can't foul up a 1907 Maxwell!
Didn't do any good to fix that hand.
You like to suffer.