- Mr. Loomis.
- Mr. Loomis?
- No, Ray...
- No, Polly. I gotta prove it to you.
Well, where is he?
Under the icebox? Under the sink?
Oh, Polly.
Mr. Loomis. If I hear that name
once more, I'll start yelling myself.
No wonder it got you. We wait three years
for a honeymoon, then spend it with spooks.
Here. Drink this.
Mr. Loomis! From the time we get here
we're patting his hand, burying him.
And her, running around sobbing,
asking if we'll pick out a tombstone.
Why, it's enough to drive anybody nuts!
Well, we're gonna
kiss off this place right now.
Give me a hand
with this stuff, will ya, honey?
Sport clothes! All we needed here
was a couple of shrouds.
Sorry, Winnie.
What's this thing?
Oh, the flowers. The Ketterings brought them.
- The Ketterings?
- Yes. They stopped by.
- Here?
- Yes.
- We're supposed to have dinner with them.
- What do you know? JC Kettering himself?
Well, it's out. The way you feel,
the whole idea's silly.
Old JC, king of the VPs.
- He seems to think you're hot stuff, too.
- He does?
Well, that doesn't alter this
one way or the other.
Still, we have to eat somewhere.
Just a bite, maybe.
I'll tell you what, you lie down,
I'll get a shave and we'll decide later, OK?
Now lie down.