Ahh ... Okay.
There you are,
you can handle the rest.
May I have some?
No. Now look ..
This is very unusual.
I'd never been alone with a man before.
Even with my dress on.
With my dress off, it's most unusual.
I don't seem to mind.
Do you?
I think I'll go out for a cop of coffee.
You'd better get to sleep.
On this one..
Terribly nice.
These are pyjamas. They're to sleep in.
You're to climb into them, you understand?
Thank you.
And you know you sleep on the couch.
Not on the bed ! Not on the chair,
on the couch, is that clear?
You know my favourite poem?
You've allready recited that for me.
I refuse a rose from a couch of snows,
in the Aquasaromian Mountains.
You just keep your mind off the poetry,
and on the pyjamas, and everything will be allright.
No Shelly. I'll be back in about 10 minutes.
Keats ...