
Would you put down that gun?
Then I'll leave.

What's the difference?
You're leaving anyway.

I'd like it to be my idea.
Howdy, Starrett.
Expectin' trouble?
I don't want no trouble, Starrett.
I came to inform you.

I got that reservation beef contract.
- So many to tell me that?
- I mean business.

- Then, tend to your own.
- That's just what I'm doin'.

I'm gonna need all my range.
Now you've warned me,
get off my place.

Your place?
You'll have to get out before the snow.
- Supposin' I don't?
- You and the other squatters.

- Homesteaders, you mean.
- I could blast you outta here right now.

Listen to me. The time for gun-blastin'
a man off his place is passed.

- They're building a penitentiary...
- Joe, that's enough.

Who are you, stranger?
I'm a friend of Starrett's.
Well, Starrett, you can't say
I didn't warn you.

All right, you've told me.
Now get off my claim.
