- Shane.
- Hello, Mrs Starrett.
- I was teaching Joey a little shooting.
- I don't want...
You ought to see Shane shoot.
He's teaching me.
- Yes, I know. Get ready for the party.
- Oh, Ma!
Guns aren't going to be my boy's life.
Why do you always
have to spoil everything?
A gun is a tool,
no better or worse than any other tool,
an axe, a shovel, or anything.
A gun is as good or as bad
as the man using it. Remember that.
We'd all be better off
if there wasn't a single gun in this valley,
including yours.
What's all the shooting about?
You're starting the celebrating
a little early, aren't you?
Well, look at that woman,
in her wedding dress!
Shane, you better hitch up that team,
'cause today we're really gonna
celebrate the Fourth of July!
I'm supposed to say to the squatters,
"I'm busted but you're welcome."
- It ain't that bad.
- That's easy for you to say.
I've been your friend a long time,
I'm reasonable.
- But something's got to give.
- Out here a man can go just so far.
I've gone along with the new law.
I've stayed away from gunfighting.
Sure, I've tried to buffalo the sodbusters.
You got to admit,
my men have kept their six-guns cased.
And now?