have been diverted towards Bastogne
and are trying to...
- Come on! Come on!
- Static!
Static is right. The radio's static,
Patton's static and we're static!
It's gonna be a longer war
than you figured, Duke?
Easy, easy.
Watch it! Watch it!
Well, well, gentlemen,
am I interrupting something?
Yeah, Schulz,
we were just passing out guns.
Guns? You're joking.
Always with the visecrackers.
Visecrackers? Where did he pick up
his English, in a pretzel factory?
You think I'm a square.
I've been to America.
I've been wrestling there.
I wrestled in Milwaukee, St. Louis,
Cincinnati, and I will go back.
The way the war is going,
I will be there before you.
You should live so long.
Here. That's me in Cincinnati.
Who's the wrestler
with the moustache?
That's my wife.
Hey, look at all that meat.
Ain't she the bitter end?
Give it back.
You must not arouse yourselves.
Schulz. I got a deal for you.
Suppose you help us escape.
We'll have everything waiting for you
in Madison Square Garden.
For the heavyweight wrestling
championship of the world.
In this corner,
Schulz, the Beast of Bavaria
versus the Hunchback of Stalag 17!
Droppen Sie dead!
And now, gentlemen,
we'll go outside for a little gymnastics.