and after the Germans win the war,
you're gonna make me
the Gauleiter of Cincinnati!
You Americans!
You are the craziest people.
That's why I like you.
I wish I could invite you all to my house
for a nice German Christmas.
Down boy!
Down boy, down boy!
Those poor suckers,
Manfredi and Jonson.
They got out of Stalag 17 all right,
only not quite the way
they wanted to go.
Somebody in our outfit was tipping
off the Krauts. Only who was it?
The Animal, or Harry, or Hoffy,
or Price, or Blondie or Joey, or Duke?
It sure wasn't me.
Maybe it was Sefton.
Sergeant J.J. Sefton.
It's about time I told you more
about that Sefton guy.
If I was a writer,
I'd send it to the "Reader's Digest"
for one of those "Most Unforgettable
Characters You've Ever Met".
He was a big time operator,
always hustling, always scrounging.