Stalag 17

- What did they trade him for the radio?
- I don't know.

Why don't we look in the footlockers?
You little stooge!
Hand over them keys!

- I haven't got any keys.
- OK, then I'll get me a key.

- OK, Hoffy?
- OK.

Wait a minute. Don't.
Sefton will get mad.

- Of all the hoarding cruds!
- Looks like Macey's basement, don't it?

That kid's richer than my mother.
Shut up!
For crying out loud.
What would he be doing with these?

Suppose you ask me?
Go on, ask me.

Because I got the goods on Mr Sefton.
This time he didn't shake me.

Take a look for yourself.
It will curdle your guts!

The Russian women!
Get away!
Here, try the end window
where the candy is.

Come on Hoffy,
we all want to see!

- How did he get there?
- Easy.

Through the gate, past the guard
like some Kraut Field Marshal.

Now we know
what he got for the radio.

This is murder!
The stinking miser.
Keeping all that for himself!

So I'm a vigilante? What are
the barrack's officers gonna do now?

Don't worry, Duke.
We'll handle it now.

You better handle it fast,
before he sells us all down the river.
