I didn't know. l...
I was so excited.
And so happy
when you said to me...
"Scusi, signore,
dovè il American Express?"
I thought you were an Italian.
Because my mother comes from America
doesn't make me less Italian.
In this country,
it's the men who count.
You American women
are much too emancipated.
If I weren't emancipated, well...
would I have done
what I did that day...
let you ask me to a café
and... and buy me a coffee?
Several coffees.
Three hours.
Why did you come with me?
why did you ask me?
Because when I saw you...
I knew what wanting was.
But you haven't
answered my question.
Why did you go with me?
You didn't look very wicked.
I'm not
an imaginative woman. l...
I'd never done anything
extraordinary, except that...
letting you, well, pick me up.
It was you,
it was Rome, and...
and I'm a housewife
from Philadelphia.
But l... I only thought
it would be a small adventure...
something I-I could
even tell my sister...
or write my husband.
A small adventure. I see.
Darling, don't mock me.
When you do, you don't sound at all
like my beau ideal.