Well, so do I.
I mean, I wouldn't like it if you
went off every evening and left me to...
What? Mend my clothes
and cook dinner for me?
You wouldn't like that?
Oh, I would.
Don't forget,
I'm an Italian too.
If you didn't behave yourself...
I'd beat you.
Giovanni, you wouldn't.
- Would you?
- I would. Naturally.
Don't start worrying
about that now.
I'm not gonna go off playing cards.
Not tonight.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
We'll go to my place.
Why don't we walk?
We'll be cold
when we get there.
We can light a fire, have supper.
At least, for a little while...
we'll have known
what it could have been like.
- Grazie.
- Prego. Maria.
You don't want to go.
- Four cups of tea.
- Two hundred forty lira, please.
Yes, that's right.
What's the matter?
I forgot.
Something I bought for Kathy.
That costume.
I left it on the train.
Oh. Well, we can
buy her another.