Paul! Paul!
Paul. Why haven't you
gone home?
I just thought
I'd look around.
But didnt you miss your train?
Oh, I'm taking a later one.
- I won't have to change trains.
- Oh.
Paul, I'd like you to meet Mr. Doria,
a friend of mine.
My nephew.
How do you do?
What time is it?
Twenty-five minutes
after 7:00.
Oh, fine. We have
more than an hour.
Would you like something, dear?
A hot chocolate?
You want me to wait for you
in the restaurant?
Do that, darling.
I'll only be a moment.
- Good night, Mr., uh...
- Good night.
Now what?
I wouldn't have thought there was
a chance of our running into Paul.
Yet there he was.