The Robe

Jerusalem's no pleasure resort at its best.
This is the worst,
the feast they call the Passover.

This is when their soothsayers
tell them the Messiah will come.

- Messiah? What's that?
- King. Saviour. Redeemer.

Son of their god - and general troublemaker.
- He's coming here?
- No one knows.

No one knows if he even exists.
He is, but he isn't.
He hasn't come yet, but he's coming.

Every year the same.
You'll find out, Tribune,
if you live long enough.

Thanks for the kind wish, Centurion.
The Messiah.
There he is.
What stirred them up?
Perhaps he's coming after all, the Messiah.

Something's happening, that's certain.
Look. There. Those people carrying palms.
The man riding a white donkey. See him?
Flavius, clear us a path through these cattle.
