The Robe

- Now speak.
- Please, Marcellus. He wants to help you.

l'm not your enemy, boy.
l fought in lberia with your grandfather.
Your father was like a son to me.

Now tell me. Everything.
ls Tribune Gallio still there?
He's been talking for two hours, my lady.
- And?
- Hopeless, my lady. Completely hopeless.

The Son of God?
What god?
l don't know, sire.
l don't know.
And you lost your wits
when he looked at you?

lt was later, when l put on the robe.
Miracles, disciples, slaves running away...
Roman legionaries
fraternising with the natives...

Well, none of this
concerns us for the moment.

We must make you well.
What have you learned gentlemen to say?

A difficult matter, sire. Under my care...
- He'd never improve.
- Who gave you permission to speak?

The clue to this man's sanity
is not in a vial of medicine.

- Well, where then?
- ln the robe that bewitched him.

- Go on.
- Plainly, there was a curse on the robe.

His only chance is to find it and destroy it.
An interesting notion.
He's right, sire. He must be right.
The robe was bewitched.

- Let me find it, sire, destroy it.
- lf you do, your mind will be restored.
