- You've got a wonderful personality.
- Thank you.
- (Sighing) What is it, Robson?
- It's the police.
A crowd is causing an obstruction.
The window-dressing must be stopped.
Crowds, obstruction - splendid!
Wait till I get in my stride!
Miss Drew, we shall investigate.
Norman, you're fired!
And that's the end of that.
And I thought I was going to
realise my life's ambition.
Now I'm fired.
I don't suppose I shall
ever see her again now.
Didn't you tell her about it?
You were right.
Banana brain.
Yes, that's not bad.
Turned out quite well.
It's in all the evening papers, sir.
Everyone's saying you made
a sensational start.
I'm anxious to put
some life into the business.