- I came to get you.
- Terrific!
Watch this.
How's that?
- Bravo!
Fausto, not in public!
What's the big deal?
We're married.
Guess what.
Today I sold a statue this tall.
- Really?
- Yes.
I'm so proud of you.
And now let's go to the movies.
- Great!
- We have enough to get in?
Yes, I've got it right here.
That's my baby.
There's a couple of seats over there.
Is this okay?
Can you see?
- What a nice refrigerator.
- Soon we'll get one too.
How adorable.
Looking for your cigarettes?
Thanks. I've got matches.
Know what?
Papa really likes you.
This morning Mama told me
Papa is planning
an addition to the house.
But it's to be a surprise.
- Got it.
A light, please.
My pleasure.
- So we can live together.
- What?
So we can live together.
- Don't believe him, my dear.
- You mean I should trust you?