Ich messe ihn und schneide die Sandwiches
nächstes MaI zu.
Ich gIaube, ich nehme die Maße sofort.
Darauf warte ich den ganzen Tag.
DeshaIb eiIe ich noch im Kostüm
jeden Abend nach Hause.
Wir vergessen, dass wir Hunger haben.
Ja, danke.
Na, was war heute im Studio Ios,
in der aIten AIma Mater?
Wir fingen heute
mit der großen Produktion an.
Das ist die größte Produktion aIIer Zeiten.
Say, as long as I've got you on the phone,
anything new with you?
Have you made a deal
at any other studio yet?
No, nothing new with me at all, Artie.
Is it true that you're trying to get Vicki
to leave the studio...
...because you're sore at Niles
for settling your contract?
No, it isn't true.
And don't you start that rumor going.
Okay, Norman, don't get sore.
I was just trying to help.
Just trying to get your name in the papers.
Anyway, what I called you for was
I've been trying to get an interview...
... with Vicki for two weeks
and she's always busy.
How about you giving an old pal a break
and speaking to her for me?
Sure, I'll ask her, Artie.
I'll put a squib in the column that you're
cooking up an independent deal someplace.
It won't fool anybody, but let them know
you're alive. 'Bye now.