...saved Norman Maine...
...from making even more a fool
of himself than usual.
I thank you. My studio thanks you.
All the legions and codes...
...that watch over our industry
will be equally pleased, I'm sure.
Would you take supper with me?
And all the people with you, too.
I'm afraid we can't, Mr. Maine.
You see, we're working at the Grove.
This is Danny McGuire, our pianist.
Bring your piano along, Mr. McGuire.
Nobody can object to a good, clean,
living American piano.
But I insist on your taking supper with me.
Come on.
Don't you try to stop me, Mr. McGuire.
I know myself extremely well.
I'm just near the fighting stage
at the moment.
If I don't get my way, I'll begin to break up
people and things at this moment.
You understand, don't you?
Yes, I understand.
Why don't we have supper sometime later?
Maybe tomorrow or the next night.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll lay in a whole supply of lipsticks
and we'll celebrate all over the walls.
- Please, Miss Blodgett.
- Good night.
I think I see your friends, Mr. Maine.
Let's hit the road.
Darling, you were simply divine.
Simply divine.
You were swell.
You know, drunk or not, he's nice.
He's awful nice.
Just darling. Come on.
When he goes off like that,
he's good for the night, Mr. Libby.
He'll smile in his sleep in a minute.
Like a child.
Like a child with a blowtorch.
What, sir?
Mr. Maine's charm escapes me.