A Star Is Born

Come on up.
All right.
I look so terrible.
Never mind how you look, listen to me.
I got shanghaied away. Location.

I tried, believe me, I tried...
Get away from that car!
I'll beat your brains out when I get down.
Get away!
This is so awful.
You could stand a good dinner.
I could, and in a place
with tablecloths, too.

What about a drive to the beach?
We could stop off for a hamburger
on the way and then have a late supper.

What's the matter? What is it, Esther?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.

It's the nose. The nose is the problem.
Maybe a corrective in the nostril.
- Could l...
- Please, little lady, Mr. Ettinger is thinking.

It's 6:00 in the morning.
Just about time for one of his miracles.

Do you think, maybe...
Do you think
maybe the Dietrich eyebrows?
