Well, the first thing to do, I think...
...is to go and wash your face.
It's quite dirty.
I know my face is dirty. But you didn't
want anybody to recognize us, did you?
No, that's right.
But you can unmask now.
I paid my $2, I wanna see what I got.
And now, folks, Vicki Lester...
... singing the title song
"from her new picture" It's a New World.
This is the No. 1 tune of the hit parade...
... and the No. 1 favorite on the jukeboxes
all over the country:
"Vicki Lester," It's a New World.
Well, there it is, Esther.
You've got it, just the way you dreamed it.
No, I've got more.
Much more.
That's for ordinary folks
who have to turn on the radio...
...and put a nickel in the jukebox.
I've got a private copyright of my own.
Including the Scandinavian.