"Get your long face
"Go, go, go and get your long face lost!"
Cut! That's it.
Very good, everybody. Very good.
Fine, Vicki, fine.
You take it easy for a bit.
We've got to move in for the closer angle.
All right, kids, take five.
Come in.
Hello. It's good to see you again.
Three months is a long time.
- How was your trip?
- Not exactly the pleasure trip it used to be.
They want your pictures.
That's all I kept hearing
way across the country.
Look, would you mind stopping that
for just a minute?
Tough day?
No tougher than usual.
Maybe you should get away after this one.
New York or Europe.
Just get completely away.
What about that?
How's Norman?
Is he all right?
Yes, he's fine. Want some coffee?
- Sit down, Oliver.
- Tell me, is he...
He's in a sanitarium.
He really wants to stop drinking, Oliver.
He's trying very hard. I know he is.
What is it?
What is it that makes him
want to destroy himself?
You've known him longer than anyone else.
Tell me what it is.
Please. I don't care but just tell me.