A Star Is Born

He's just gonna sit with me.
Oliver, this is Cuddles, my social secretary.
We go everywhere together.
How are you feeling?
I'm coming along splendidly,
so Cuddles tells me.

He says you ought to see
some of the boys.

Let's sit down.
Cuddles, we really don't need you.
Touching, isn't it?
He can't bear to have me out of his sight.

You comfortable here?
Why, it's positively luxurious.

Why, we even have steel mesh
on the windows to keep the drafts out.

How much longer do you think
you'll be here?

I'm really cured now,
only I'm just staying on...

...an extra week or two
until I get into really good shape.

After all, there isn't any great hurry
to return to the cameras.

That's what I want to talk to you about.
I have a script here.
It has a fine part for you in it.
Why, that's great Oliver.
Who plays opposite me?
Well, it isn't exactly the lead, Norman.
Young Pemberton's doing that.

But I'll tell you frankly, I consider your part
better than the lead.

I see. Better than the lead.
Of course, it isn't terribly long. It's one
of those parts that make an impression.

They'll be thinking about you
all through the picture.

The thing is, Oliver,
that I'm pretty well set at another studio.

I'm not at liberty at the moment
to tell you which one.

You know yourself how those things are,
but it's big, big.

It's one of the biggest pictures of the year.
As for the part, every actor in Hollywood
would give his eyeteeth to play it.

That's fine, Norman, that's fine.
Naturally, that'll tie you up for a while.
However, we're not getting to this
for some time.
