"...you will carry out the following orders:
inasmuch as Geronimo
has led his warriors
off the reservation for the third time,
causing much bloodshed,
it is directed by General Niles
that Geronimo and said warriors
be transported to Fort Marion, Florida,
on this day, April 4th 1886".
Why don't you let us die with them?
Nobody's going to die.
Florida's not the moon.
For an Apache it is the same as dying.
Cheer up, Santos.
With Geronimo gone, you'll be chief.
To old men and boys.
22, 3...
They are thirsty. But they will not
take water from a soldier.
All right, Nalinle, go ahead.
Don't worry, Santos.
Maybe she has got her cap set for Massai,
but any young buck'd pay a big price
to marry somethin' like that.
Enough to keep you in firewater
the rest of your life.
- It's a great day, Sieber.
- Yeah, i'm gonna kinda miss em.
A man knew he had a job to do
when them bucks were around.
What'd you give him?
He's got a knife!
I knew Geronimo and Chochise
when they were that buck's age.