Would you kill a brother?
- What tribe are you?
- Cherokee.
Is this the land of the Cherokee nation?
Yes, it is called Oklahoma Territory.
- What tribe are you?
- Apache.
Apache. The Apache country is far away.
But we can talk in the house.
I have seen the house.
lt is a white man's house.
It is my house.
It's all right. He will soon see
that we are friends. Get some food.
I understand. You killed
the white man and took his house.
Cherokees and white men live
side by side. There is no difference.
You see? We even keep the same bird.
If the Cherokee is like the white man,
he is Massai's enemy.
- I am the enemy of no man.
- Then the Cherokee is a woman!
I am no woman. My people have
fought the white men many times,
but were always driven West -
first from a place called Carolina,
then to the land of the Tennessee
and then at last to Oklahoma.