But here our chiefs grew wise.
They did not fight and they did not run.
- Neither does the turtle.
- Are you afraid of the turtle?
Then put your knife away.
You needn't be afraid of the food.
Your feet are cold and bleeding.
- Heat some water.
- You will have to fill the bucket.
You have a woman and...
yet you carry the water?
Some of the white man's ways are hard.
Nobody, not even an Apache,
could open that window quietly.
- I must get back to my people.
- There could be a life for you here.
On the reservation there's nothing,
even if you can get there.
I will get there.
Then take this.
I have food.
So i see.
But this is seed corn of Tahlequah.
If you are wise, you will plant it, not eat it.